Today I am an astronaut. I wear my clean white suit.
My helmet looks just like a fishbowl. Mommy says it’s cute.
I climb into the ship and a voice counts down to liftoff. Three… two…
I shout out, “One!” and off I go. What an amazing view!
No noise. No gravity. I won’t fall back to earth any time soon.
I pass the space station on my way to my first stop, the pot-holey purple moon.
Plant a flag. Build a moon sandcastle on a moon sand dune.
Then off again, almost as fast as light, until I reach Neptune.
There is no place like space, and space walks are the best kind.
The things I see and do and find, they would totally blow your mind.
Today I am an astronaut. Eventually, I fly home to mommy on our Planet Blue.
What will I be tomorrow? I can hardly wait to choose.
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