Category: Religion

It Turns Out Older Churches Are More Progressive Than Newer Ones
What with the secularization of American society, increasing moves toward and beyond relativism, and advancing political progressivism, one might presume new church plants are more liberal than churches planted 50 or 100 years ago. Actually,...

Arm’s-Length Prejudice and Real Respect
Imagine a guy who looks like a member of Hell’s Angels—tatted, scruffy, big-bearded, and all black leather—walks into a corporate headquarters in downtown Chicago. Think of a kid in a Bernie Sanders shirt that gives...

Turkey Keeps American Pastor Behind Bars—At Least for Three More Months: Christianity Today
This story is published in full at Christianity Today. After nearly two years in a Turkish prison, hopes for the release of American pastor Andrew Brunson have been deferred. A Turkish court ordered 50-year-old pastor to remain...

On Repentance: What Is Our Assurance in Repentance?
We’ve looked at three questions about repentance so far: 1) Why repent? 2) What is repentance? and 3) How do we repent? We would do well to look at one further aspect of repentance, one...

On Repentance: How Do We Repent?
So far in this series, we’ve looked at two questions about repentance: 1) Why repent? and 2) What is repentance? There are still two other questions we want to examine related to repentance: 3) How...

On Repentance: What Is Repentance?
In this series, we’re looking at four questions about repentance: 1) Why repent? 2) What is repentance? 3) How do we repent? And 4) what is our assurance in repentance? We’re centering around 1 John...

On Repentance: Why Do We Repent?
The blessing of repentance is central to the message of the gospel and the Christian life. It’s not always popular or fun, but it’s hugely important. We love to jump to, “There is no condemnation...

Global Christianity Breakdown by Denomination and Rite
There are about 2.5 billion Christians in the world. That’s more than 35 percent of humanity. So why do so many Christians feel like they’re in the minority? Part of it is perception. Part of...

God Has a Patronus
Here’s an interesting theological and literary question I was thinking about recently: Is a Christian’s patronus really just the Holy Spirit? For muggles who don’t know, patronuses are sort of ghostly animals that play prominently...

Kardashev’s Scale and the Kingdom of God: Part 4 – Type 3 and 4 Civilizations
Now things are getting wilder. We started out with a discussion of the Kardashev Scale—a seven-phase scale gauging a civilization’s advancement based on how much energy it can harness—and how it relates to Christianity. We...