Category: Writing

Notes on Collaboration: How to Win in Your Goals Without Losing Your Friends
One of the most incredible adventures you can take in your hobby, side-gig, or business venture is to tackle it with another person. It can also be one of the most trying. For me, story-smithing...

Writing Tracker – Week 26 (June 24 – 30)
Writers write. That’s the bottom line. I’ve been really glad to see my series on the Kardeshev Scale and the kingdom of God getting traffic! That’s been encouraging. My “Why Are Catholics Better at Soccer?”...

Where Is the Word Count?
Writers love word counts because they provide a concrete means of tracking our progress. Readers love word counts because it lets us know what we’re in for (a 50,000-word novella or a 500,000-word epic!). But...

Writing Tracker – Week 25 (June 17 – 23)
Writers write. That’s the bottom line. I finally posted my series on the Kardeshev Scale and the kingdom of God! I really enjoyed thinking, researching, and writing about the subject. It’s a cool blend of...

Writing Tracker – Week 23 (June 3 – 9)
Writers write. That’s the bottom line. I realize that the last couple weeks I’ve left the Writing Tracker to the end of the week. As long as I keep them all within the proper weeks,...

Writing Tracker – Week 22 (May 27 – June 2)
Writers write. That’s the bottom line. Last week was dedicated almost entirely to three projects. The first was a new story for Christianity Today, which came out earlier this week. The second was a City...

Writing Tracker – Week 21 (May 20 – 26)
Writers write. That’s the bottom line. I’m going to blame my drop-off on the holiday weekend, which was too beautiful to spend indoors. Even so, I still pumped out an average of more than 1,000...

The Editor of Our Faith
Ira Glass said something in his commencement speech to the Columbia J-School that I loved. He said editors don’t get the respect they deserve. (I’m certainly not an unbiased observer here.) There are so many...

Writing Tracker – Week 20 (May 13 – 19)
Writers write. That’s the bottom line. I didn’t hit the same stride as the week prior, but last week was still pretty productive in terms of output. Like the last several weeks, I have really...

Writing Tracker – Week 19 (May 6 – 12)
Writers write. That’s the bottom line. Last week was far and away my most productive week in terms of words put down on paper. I closed in on 20,000 words, which is double what I...