Tag: church

Why the World Still Needs the Church
The critics are right; the church is broken. Nowhere is this reality more apparent than in disputes about what the Bride of Christ actually is. An institution or a relationship? A means for spirituality or...

5 Phenomena Shaping Millennials and the Church Today
Millennials are leaving the church, are they? Such is the bemoaning of the elders and the felt experience of their juniors. And as one of those juniors, I am not simply watching confusedly and sadly...

Americans Now Have Less Faith in Tech Than Church
For the first time in at least a decade, Americans now view churches and other religious organizations more favorably than the technology companies whose services and devices denominate daily life. Since 2010, most US adults...

The Top Reasons Young People Drop Out of Church
Slightly fewer young adults are dropping out of church after high school, but those who do have more serious reasons for leaving than a decade ago. In a 2017 LifeWay Research surveyreleased today, 66 percent of...

It Turns Out Older Churches Are More Progressive Than Newer Ones
What with the secularization of American society, increasing moves toward and beyond relativism, and advancing political progressivism, one might presume new church plants are more liberal than churches planted 50 or 100 years ago. Actually,...

Neither Dependence nor Independence
Perhaps the chief value of modern American society, apart from abstract “freedom” and capitalism, is individualism. The idea that we can be the best, do as we please, and be responsible for and to ourselves...

Global Christianity Breakdown by Denomination and Rite
There are about 2.5 billion Christians in the world. That’s more than 35 percent of humanity. So why do so many Christians feel like they’re in the minority? Part of it is perception. Part of...

Why the Church Needs to Care About Refugees
Through Moses, God ordered the Israelites to care for the aliens among them. The Israelites and the apostles were told to care for strangers. Jesus told the story of the Good Samaritan. Every sermon you’ve...

Why the Church Has a Unique Role in Responding to Refugeeism
For thousands of years the people of God have been part of the ever-unfolding story of exiles and migrants in the world. We have been refugees, refugee-makers, and sources of refuge. This is no less...

The Church’s strong showing on behalf of refugees
I attended a Catholic mass on Sunday. The message there, and across the Catholic universe, came from the Beatitudes. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those...