Tag: fear

Objection to Refugees 1: They’re Violent. Just Look at Europe.

The Western public has indeed been infiltrated. Not by terrorists, but by the mass marketing of the fear of terror. The feeling—the apparent knowledge—that refugees are violent has been broadcast by ratings-focused media and sensationalist...

/ September 3, 2018

Compassion Versus Security

The largest obstacle to resettling refugees in North America is our own fear. It is a fear that comes from news stories about Arabs and Africans—sometimes migrants, usually not—killing Westerners on the street or in...

/ June 11, 2018

Christianity and Terror Management Theory: Part 2 – ‘I Am With You’

Last time, we talked about how Christianity responds to terror management theory with the promise of a favorable afterlife with God. But what other promises does Christianity have that removes the sting of death, that...

/ June 7, 2018

Christianity and Terror Management Theory: Part 1 – The Afterlife

Terror management theory juxtaposes the human impulse toward survival with our realization of the inevitability of death. How do we deal with these two competing facts? The result in this heightened, ever-present state of cognitive...

/ June 6, 2018

“Are We On for Tomorrow?”

“Hey, do you want to get together next week?” “Sounds good. Let’s connect in a few days to figure it out.”   …a few days later… “So, will Wednesday work?” “Probably. Let me check on...

/ April 4, 2015