Tag: hope

Necessary Sounds
This story was published in Topology Magazine and can be found here. During the war, ISIS set up camp in her father’s fields. The rebels fired rockets into town from their perches somewhere in the foothills. Indiscriminate...

Resistance as an Act of Christian Hope
Two weeks ago I wrote about our ultimate hope being in the gospel and the person of Jesus, not in votes or earthly powers. Last week I wrote about practical hopes—silver linings for today held...

Reasonable Hope: Bright Spots When the Day is Dark
Maybe I read too much fantasy as a teenager, but my tendency is to make epics out of everything. Calamities are more interesting than your run-of-the-mill conundrums. The apocalypse is more exciting than roadblocks. Revolutions...

Do Not Lose Heart
This morning, the sun rose. A shadow fell against the wall, and we leapt, only to find it was our own. A final leaf clung to the mortal life of a scarred and limping bough....

He showed me the spot where the bullet went in. It didn’t look exactly the way it looks in the movies. It looked webby, gnarly, like tree roots. It was a rise, not a depression....

Hope doesn’t mean forgetting
Sometimes, we look forward to a new year because it means we get the chance to start over. The clocks and the fireworks shoot straight up and hang for a minute before, boom, a fresh...

I’m going to let you down
You know what sucks? This whole “Duck Dynasty” conundrum—that’s what. I don’t even watch the show, but I’ve been reading blogs and articles about it like it’s my job—and because that’s all the internet seemed...

“For I Know the Plans I Have for You…” Are We Misrepresenting Jeremiah 29:11?
Jeremiah 29:11 is recited all the time, and for good reason. ‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give...