Tag: Jesus

Love Stoops
Love is not a virtue unique to Christianity. The Greeks abided matters of love, and so did the Jews, and the Eastern dynasties, and nearly all the civilizations of antiquity found value in it. But...

Imitating Christ in the Incarnation
It’s Orthodox Christmas. Let’s celebrate again the fact that Jesus, the Son of God, came to earth, was born in flesh, and lived among us! 5 In your relationships with one another, have the same...

Evangelism – Part 4: Evangelism Is Not Justice, Ecumenism, or Love
Welcome to a four-part series about what evangelism is and isn’t. In the first three pieces, I’ll look at why justice, ecumenism, and love are all components of evangelism. In the fourth piece, I’ll look...

How to Love Christ More than Christmas
It’s a crazy, wonderful time of year. How might we keep our heads and hearts on the one who is the real wonder? Remember the season is more than the sentimentality This is perhaps a...

That we know of, Jesus only fasted once. He fasted after he was baptized in the Jordan, after water wrapped him up like a tomb, after a dove descended as if to say Peace itself...

What I need
Christ. That’s all. I’m trying to trust that. To know that Jesus is all I have or ever will need. It’s hard, but I think it’s true, not just because it is poetic or bold...

It’s On for Tomorrow
The Lord has a wonderful sense of humor. He’s gotten me again, just now. You may notice that the post immediately preceding this one, put up earlier today, is titled, “Are we on for tomorrow?”...

Dayenu – It Would Have Been Enough
It’s Maundy (mandatum) Thursday, the day Jesus gave his mandate: A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another....

Ash Fall: The heat of Ash Wednesday
Ashes mean the end of something. A house burned down, a body cremated, a book torched, a fire dying low. Ashes come out of the flame, and flame means destruction. Destruction like a wooden city...

Hope doesn’t mean forgetting
Sometimes, we look forward to a new year because it means we get the chance to start over. The clocks and the fireworks shoot straight up and hang for a minute before, boom, a fresh...