Tag: Jesus

On Edgy Christianity
In North America, Christianity is not cool. It’s not exactly uncool either, but it’s closer to that end of the spectrum. Around these parts, Christianity is just plain normal. At least, that’s the perception. People...

Why I’m a Christian, despite Christians
Have you ever been at a party where your friend says something really stupid? What was that? you think. Please repeat. But you regret this thought, because, yes, he really did say something that insensitive or ignorant or...

This is joy
This won’t last long, I think. These are Christmas lights and, look, it’s already December 19. I know, I know; we got a late start this year. But it will be worth it, yeah? Because...

MLK, Jesus, and Hijacking History
Did you know Martin Luther King Jr. was pro-choice? Did you know Jesus was in favor of the second amendment? Did you know Gandhi would have Occupied Wall Street? I didn’t either, but that’s what...

A heavenly host of nativities
I really like my mom’s collection of nativity sets. They’re from all over the world and show a variety of takes on the day of Jesus’ birth. Some of them are beautiful and some are...