Tag: joy
Song 5: None Can Take Away My Joy
The song describes how, no matter what, I can rejoice in Christ’s claim on me. Verse 1 High above the earth and the heavens Deep within the seed you have sown Christ alone is reigning...
Celebrate Christmas Again Today with Peace on Earth
Merry Christmas! If you’ve already taken down the tree, retangled the lights, eaten all the cookies, and unwrapped your newest gadgets, fear not; you can still celebrate Jesus’ birth without any of those things. In...
It was a rough year, and that’s okay
Life is good. Silver light refracting in little Xs on the window. An ages-old sun still rolling and rising, like the stars never get tired. I just ate something with peanut butter in it and...
And There Was Great Rejoicing in Ongata Rongai
It was fitting that our first full day in Nairobi was a Sunday, a very necessary Sabbath after an eventful and far-from relaxing day of travel. After spending 16 hours in narrow metal canisters shooting...
This is joy
This won’t last long, I think. These are Christmas lights and, look, it’s already December 19. I know, I know; we got a late start this year. But it will be worth it, yeah? Because...