Tag: language

Fun with Arabic. Also Known As, Eating Pigeons and Drinking Sweat
To begin, here’s the story of a false cognate called lamoon. In Egyptian Arabic, lamoon means what you’d think it means: lemon. But in Lebanese Arabic, the sort I’ll (attempt to) speak for the next...

Better than words
Much braying about the moral health of the country has gone firing across the social corral in the last week. From all sides fly cries of victory and defeat, right and wrong, absolutes bellowed with...

“Winning the internet” and how to resent much of the new online universe
Imagine if I’d elected as the tagline for this post: “If you don’t read this you’re probably wasting your life.” You’d likely think I was being an overdramatic jerk, but you might click on it...

Arranged marriage in the US, elementary ed and Chicago-born words
“My parents chose my husband” — Here’s an interesting story about life in an arranged marriage in the United States. Debie Thomas is an American and was raised evangelical, but at 22 married almost a...