Tag: Lebanon

Female Pastors Bring Hope to War-Torn Middle East Churches
This story was published in Christianity Today and can be found here. The turnover among Christians in the Middle East, in addition to years of stirring among reformist Arab evangelicals, has made way for female pastors...

Do something
In fifty years, we’re going to look back at the first half of the 21st century and remember again that the Syrian crisis—the apex of larger regional and international conflicts—was the defining struggle of a...

Always returning
I’m back. A week ago, I stepped onto a plane from Rafic Hariri International Airport in Beirut and traveled back to the United States after a year away. There are a thousand stories to tell,...

Against Humanity
You hear the term “crimes against humanity” and imagine a whole movie reel of the most horrible atrocities ever committed by human hands. You draw up images of naked, starving, rail-thin children screaming in concentration...

Fun with Arabic. Also Known As, Eating Pigeons and Drinking Sweat
To begin, here’s the story of a false cognate called lamoon. In Egyptian Arabic, lamoon means what you’d think it means: lemon. But in Lebanese Arabic, the sort I’ll (attempt to) speak for the next...

I won’t be far
The way to do anything is to just do it; the way to get anywhere is to start moving your feet; and the way to change your life, and hopefully the lives of others, is...

What I need
Christ. That’s all. I’m trying to trust that. To know that Jesus is all I have or ever will need. It’s hard, but I think it’s true, not just because it is poetic or bold...

There Are Cedars Where I’m Going
On the other side of the sea, clasped tight between ancient mountains and a battered blue coast, perches a small country with a brilliant and blemished past and, with a little help and a little...