Tag: Martin Luther King Jr

The Simplest Act of Profoundest Consequence
The civil rights movement had long been brewing under Jim Crow and in the aftermath of World War II, when it became clear that the freedom and equality Americans would die for abroad was not...

Why Do We Love Our Enemies?
God has given us a command to “love our enemies.” But because the command is from God, we must believe it is not only a command to be blindly followed; it must also be, somehow,...

‘I Would Rather Die Than Hate You.’
Martin Luther King, Jr., knew love isn’t just a means of redeeming our enemies; it’s a way of redeeming ourselves. Hatred can only lead to more hatred, but by injecting love, the chain of hatred...

How Do We Love Our Enemies?
Martin Luther King, Jr., said that Jesus’ command to “love your enemies” is “an absolute necessity for the survival of our civilization.” But how do we love our enemies? King gives us three ways. Look...

Maladjusted, Undignified, and Foolish
Our world is not as it should be. The path to success is perilous. The politics are venomous. The morals are rancorous. Things are not all bad, of course. There is much to be grateful...

The First Time Martin Luther King Saw the Power of Nonviolence
After the bombing of Birmingham’s 16th Street Baptist Church on September 15, 1963—an act of terror that killed four young girls during Sunday School and injured 22 others preparing for the church’s youth day—Martin Luther...

How Did Martin Luther King Deal with Constant Threats?
Martin Luther King, Jr., was the subject of constant threats. Because of his position as the de facto leader of the civil rights movement, it is perhaps as unsurprising as it is unfortunate that so...

On MLK and the Growing “Defense” of Rioting
During the Ferguson protests last year, the majority of editorials and blogposts pinned to my Facebook wall or found on the opinion pages of mainstream media condemned both systems of oppression and violent reactions in...

It’s a long way to Montgomery
Demonstrators march in the streets, hoisting signs and chanting lyrical slogans for rights, for protection, for justice. Some signs bear poignant phrases, others throw accusations, and still others note grievances. There are lawyers out there, and...

MLK, Jesus, and Hijacking History
Did you know Martin Luther King Jr. was pro-choice? Did you know Jesus was in favor of the second amendment? Did you know Gandhi would have Occupied Wall Street? I didn’t either, but that’s what...