Tag: Syria

Nearly 1,000,000 Syrians Newly Displaced This Year–The Worst Year So Far
The Syrian war is old news. Wasn’t Aleppo retaken? Isn’t ISIS defeated? Didn’t Russia finish the job? And, perhaps more importantly, haven’t we moved on to North Korea, talks of collusion, Iran, trade and tariffs,...

Understanding Syria on Another Anniversary of War: A Brief Reading List
Today marks the eighth year of the war in Syria. The conflict has produced some of the worst destruction and the most displaced people of any conflict in decades. It is the worst war, for its...

Look, Syria Is Still Happening
The war that started with protests-turned-violent in March 2011 enters its eighth year tomorrow. Its eighth year. Eight years is a long time. And it’s way longer when the threat of bombs, chemical weapons, kidnapping,...

It Was Time to Act Yesterday
How can we sing the songs of the LORD while in a foreign land? – Psalm 137:4 During the predawn hours of September 2, 2015, the body of a young boy washed ashore on a...

Necessary Sounds
This story was published in Topology Magazine and can be found here. During the war, ISIS set up camp in her father’s fields. The rebels fired rockets into town from their perches somewhere in the foothills. Indiscriminate...

We Knew What Was Happening in Aleppo. We Have No Right to Act Shocked.
The end of the siege of Aleppo came with fury and fanfare. The city’s fall—or liberation, depending on your politics—much like the entirety of its four years of unceasing war, was brutal. Cluster bombs, the...

The Siege of Aleppo
Syria’s Stalingrad has seen more destruction than any warscape is entitled to. Barrel bombs, hell cannons, the deliberate targeting of schools and hospitals, civilians as human shields, damage to UNESCO heritage sites, failed truces, deprivation,...

The Aleppo Deception
Everyone has an agenda. I know that. You know that. Politicians, the media, even humble bloggers have their biases and narratives. What they know and what they think they know. What’s true and what they...

25 ways you can support refugees
A week ago, I published a post called “Do something” urging readers to not be passive in the shadow of modern refugeeism—a phenomenon that has displaced nearly 70 million people worldwide. To put it plainly, everyone...

Do something
In fifty years, we’re going to look back at the first half of the 21st century and remember again that the Syrian crisis—the apex of larger regional and international conflicts—was the defining struggle of a...