Tag: technology

Americans Now Have Less Faith in Tech Than Church
For the first time in at least a decade, Americans now view churches and other religious organizations more favorably than the technology companies whose services and devices denominate daily life. Since 2010, most US adults...

The Gospel of AI: Evangelicals Want Tech to Remain Good News
As artificial intelligence (AI) makes its way into social media and smart devices, markets and health care systems, military and public policy, evangelicals are raising big questions about its revolutionary potential. With a landmark statement...

7 Cautions Before Starting an Online Bible Study
When I set my writing goals at the end of last year, I had thought to begin a Bible study blog series, working through the book of Matthew. The idea of a public Bible study...

Where the moons are ever waning
When the New Horizons spacecraft left our little lonely rock on January 19, 2006, iPhones hadn’t been invented yet. Gas prices were under $2.50 and Hummer sales had yet to peak. Facebook laid claim to...

8 Reasons You Should Bail on Your Bible App and Get Back to Your Hardcopy
The Bible is not just any old book. It’s alive. The stories in it have actual power. It is the Word of God. And because there’s a spirit and a strength to this book, we...

Facebook’s palantir
Everyone knows what Facebook is for. Chatting with your friends in a public place. Arguing vehemently without repercussions. Posting pictures that make you look decent for a change. RSVPing, but completely without meaning it. Instant...

Happy birthday to you… and, hopefully, not many more
I know a woman who is alive to see her great-great-great-great-great grandson. She’s 150 years old, which means she was born during the American Civil War. She had cancer in her early hundreds, but the...

We’re trying as hard as we can to be alone
Over the past couple weeks, I’ve been conducting a little observational study on Chicago’s “L” trains. I wanted to know what, exactly, people do on the trains, because they’re certainly not talking to me. But seriously, I...

All the science fiction I read was wrong
Everyone knows the basic premise. There’s a problem in the universe and The Big Bad Government is at the heart of it. Star Wars has the sith-ruled Galactic Empire, 1984 has the mind-controlling Big Brother,...