God, bless these eyes.

You made them so I can see every good thing. You made them so I can see every one of your beautiful children. You made them so I can see light even when it is dark outside. You made my eyes.

God, bless these cheeks.

You made them to help me smile at mommy and daddy. You made them to help me smile at myself. You made them to help me smile at you. You made my cheeks.

God, bless these fingers.

You made them to play. You made them to touch softly. You made them so I can hold hands. You made my fingers.

God, bless this tummy.

You made it so I can eat tasty foods. You made it to help me lay down on soft blankets. You made it to let me roll and roll and roll. You made my tummy.

God, bless these toes.

You made them to get me from here to there. You made them to peek out from the bubbles. You made them so I can tip-toe and jump and dance. You made my toes.

God, bless this hair.

You made it to be fuzzy and furry and feathery and fun. You made it to be colorful. You made it so I can have a crown that’s always on my head. You made my hair.

God, bless this heart.

You made it to go thump-thump-thump. You made it to make me strong and brave. You made it to love others and to love you. You made my heart.

God, bless this body.

You made it special. You made it beautiful. You made it a home for my spirit and yours. You made my body.

God, bless this mind.

You made it to be curious. You made it to remember what happened, to think about what is happening, and to imagine what will happen. You made it to know you. You made my mind. 

God, bless this spirit.

You made it to know you. You made it to need you. You made it to want you more than anything. You made my spirit.

Posted by Griffin Paul Jackson

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