Month: October 2020

Song 43: Always Good
This song is about God’s unchanging, always-present goodness in our lives. Verse 1 Over my soul As over deep deep waters Your Spirit’s hovering Your Spirit’s hovering Under your wings Always safe, secure My Father’s...

Song 42: Temple
This song is based on 1 Corinthians 3:16, which says, “Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst?” Verse 1 Righteousness adorns your house This tabernacle,...

Song 41: Praiseworthy
This song is one of praise. Verse 1 Every little thing is in your care Before the world was born your love was there Speaking goodness after goodness to the end I will sing your...

Song 40: Shepherd
This song is about the amazing shepherd-like care of the Father. Verse 1 Not by my will Not by my ways It’s only by your great name, oh It’s only by your great name, oh...