Category: Culture

25 ways you can support refugees

A week ago, I published a post called “Do something” urging readers to not be passive in the shadow of modern refugeeism—a phenomenon that has displaced nearly 70 million people worldwide. To put it plainly, everyone...

/ September 7, 2016

Do something

In fifty years, we’re going to look back at the first half of the 21st century and remember again that the Syrian crisis—the apex of larger regional and international conflicts—was the defining struggle of a...

/ August 30, 2016

Not my voice

The final speech of the Republican National Convention painted a bleak, Blade Runner-version of America. The only solution, according to Trump, is himself. “Nobody knows the system better than me, which is why I alone...

/ July 22, 2016

A most futile foreign policy

This election is, unfortunately, not about policy. It’s a popularity contest. A polarity contest. It’s about proving how bad the other candidate is. Both Trump and Clinton have terrible favorability ratings. Clinton is seen unfavorably...

/ July 21, 2016

Always returning

I’m back. A week ago, I stepped onto a plane from Rafic Hariri International Airport in Beirut and traveled back to the United States after a year away. There are a thousand stories to tell,...

/ July 20, 2016

The Customary Realness

Two days ago I woke up to a wall of fury and sadness after the killing of Alton Sterling. Yesterday, I woke to see my feed spattered red with the blood of Philando Castile. And...

/ July 8, 2016

The issue is guns… and prejudice… and radicalism

Why can’t it be about each of those things? Inevitably, too many have forgotten to mourn with those who mourn. Instead they have moved directly into the politicization. So, first, mourn. * * * Keep...

/ June 14, 2016

Come November, I’m voting for democracy

Here is the bottom line: Donald Trump does not represent the ideals of democracy. He is an authoritarian egoist, a celebrity of insolence, a self-made cult of personality. Many of the values he openly professes...

/ June 9, 2016

The misadventures of Sykes-Picot

There is nothing more likely to start disagreement among people or countries than an agreement. – E.B. White Your neighbors can’t even mow their lawns straight, and definitely not to the edge of their property—that’s...

/ May 16, 2016

Syria in summary – February 2016

The third attempt at a peace conference in Geneva pretty much started off already on a downhill slide. The opposition, championed by the Saudi-founded High Negotiations Committee, was immediately irritated by an unprecedented uptick in...

/ March 4, 2016